10 mai 2004


          D'après Aslan Maskhadov, président de la Tchétchénie élu par les Tchétchènes, le faux-président tchétchène Kadyrov, nommé par Poutine, a été assassiné par les services secrets russes ( le dimanche 9 mai 2004, dans un attentat à la bombe qui a fait plusieurs morts au stade de Grozny, où se déroulait une cérémonie commémorant la victoire de l'URSS sur l'Allemagne nazie).

          Lien originel : http://www.chechenpress.info/english/news/2004/05/11/01.shtml

          Ce lien venant d'être suspendu (samedi 15 mai 2004), pour vérifier l'authenticité de ce que je dis voici le lien vers le cache Google (lien cliquable)

          Voici le texte. Si quelqu'un voulait bien en faire une traduction correcte en français...



          Statement by President of ChRI Aslan Maskhadov

In connection with the terrorist act at the "Dynamo" stadium in Johar (Grozny), where, besides the invaders and national traitors hated by the Chechen people, have suffered some civilians of the ChRI, on behalf of the Government and on my behalf I express condolences to the families and relatives of our compatriots - the innocent victims of the blast.

We condemn any forms of terrorism, irrespectively of its ulterior ideological motive, including extra-judicial executions, kidnappings, hostage-taking and political assassinations.

          Being aware that death and violence will not resolve our problems, we have rejected a response terror, although the civilian population of the ChRI daily experiences the refined methods of terror carried out by the invaders and their accomplices.

          We have every reason to suspect that the terrorist act was organized by special services of the invaders to get rid of the puppet government that has exhausted all resources of the pseudo-political process declared by the Russian authorities as "a real political dialog with the Chechen people". Most likely, one more "Kadyrov" will be appointed for imitation of "political dialog" intended for the international community to prolong illusions for settlement of the Chechen problem by using force.

          The leadership of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria adherent to real civilized political dialog, and convinced that no peace can be achieved between Chechnya and Russia without the participation and crucial policy of the international community, calls on the world community actively to support the peace initiative of the Chechen government - the conception of conditional independence. We believe the realization of this program could put the end to the colonial war lasting four centuries in Chechnya. The war that has taken away the lives of more than 250 thousand peaceful Chechen civilians for the last 10 years.

          Not the policy of state terror and imitation of dialog demonstrated by the Russian authorities but real political dialog with the participation of the third party will bring peace on the long-suffering land of Chechnya.

          Aslan Maskhadov President of the CHRI

          Chechenpress, 10 May 2004


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